Wednesday 19 October 2011

Why is Signage important?

Signs are everywhere and therefore taken for granted. Your walking into to your local town and all you see is shop after shop displaying all different types of signage, but why?

A well designed sign has many goals of what it can actually achieve for your business:

  • Nearly every business has a sign displaying their company name on it so I can bet your competitors do too - take time in the design and work along side your sign maker so that you ensure that your sign is the one that will stand out over your competitors to drive customers to you.
  • Not only can signage spot the eye of a new customer, it acts as your business's first impression to them. Within a design you can bring out the professional look that your business may be aiming for.
  • By having a simple, straight to the point sign with image and text it will leave customers remembering your business over your competitors, this can lead to potential returning customers. Consistence should be shown throughout your marketing mix acting as reminders to your customers.

Since 1997, the sign company 'Signtronix' has had a annual survey which they sponsored. It asks many questions from random customers who have visited businesses for which 'Signtronix' made a sign. One of the questions say, "How did you learn about this business?" The survey states that nearly half of these customers learned about a business because of its sign.
How Did You Learn About This Business?
Your sign:
Word of mouth:
Newspaper advertisement:
Yellow Pages:
Radio commercial:
Television commercial:

Signage West Midlands